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PostWysłany: Czw 13:37, 31 Mar 2011    Temat postu: cheap AirMax 2003 Animal Spirit Guides air max tn

What is an Animal Guide?
Animal guides are spirit guides that are animals. They may be animals we have known in life (such as a deceased pet) or they may be personal symbols that represent the qualities of an animal. The characteristics of our animal guides are qualities that we possess or that we need to learn from in our lives.
Eagle – Eagle is a profoundly spiritual animal totem, representing wisdom and power on a spiritual dimension.
In addition to the ancestors and other spirit guides, everyone is born with a connection to one or more (usually many more) animal guides.
Spider – In some traditions air max tn 8, Spider is the creator Goddess w
Other animal totems may be animals that you resemble or that you are particularly drawn to. If an animal bites you, in a dream or in real life cheap AirMax 2003, it is said to be one of your most important animal guide teachers.
Horse – Horse represents power: personal power and permission to be oneself. When use of the Spanish horses began by the Native Americans Nike Air Max 2003, Horse came to represent power because the advantage the animals gave in hunting and foraging. In a generation where women are still working toward equality, horse is a popular totem.
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Working with Totems
Types of Totems
Badger, Pagan Symbol of Aggression
Nine Animal Guides in Action
Wisdom traditions teach that worldly wisdom can only be achieved when you first learn to “know thyself.” One of the most popular elements of Native American symbolism is the role of animal spirit guides – animals that represent parts of ourselves and can teach us to integrate, heal and develop both our weaknesses and our strengths.
Most Native American tribes believe that our ancestors watch over us and guide us. Our grandparents and great-grandparents act as spirit guides, lending wisdom, support and spiritual protection when we need it – or when we remember to ask.
Coyote – Coyote is the trickster totem. He created confusion, self-sabotage, humour, and that delightful sensation when you aren’t sure if you’ve gone crazy - or had a breakthrough that is going to change you and your world.
How Can I Find My Animal Guide or Guides?
Butterfly – A bewildered caterpillar emerges from the cocoon transformed into a butterfly. Butterfly stands for our ability to accept the beauty of growth and change in our lives.
Snake – Snake is a powerful guide for healers. It carries the ability to transform, like a snake shedding its skin to reveal a renewed body and self. Snake enables shamans to transmute poisons of the body and mind.
Bear – Bear is the part of the self that needs to retreat into its own space, hibernate and heal itself. Bear totem is comforting and protective. Remember those stories about “Mama Bear” fiercely defending her cubs? Bear is a common animal spirit for mothers.
What’s your favorite animal? Most people’s guides include animals they are drawn to and care about. Your favorite animal is usually the one to which you have the strongest connection.
Meditation, guided visualizations, and astral travel can all be good ways to meet your animal guides. Some shamans and healers who work with animal medicine guides may be able to “see” or sense some of your guides, and point you in the right direction to learn more.
Hawk – Hawk is the messenger and represents perspective. People who have Hawk as a medicine animal are able to see an issue from all sides and avoid jumping to conclusions.

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